viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

The inevitability of NATO War (Part II)

The inevitability of NATO War (Part II)
Fidel Castro Ruz When Gaddafi, Libyan army colonel, based on his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Nasser overthrew King Idris I in 1969 with only 27 years old, applied major revolutionary measures as land reform and nationalization of oil. The increased revenues were devoted to economic and social development, particularly the educational and health services to the small population of Libya, located in a vast desert territory with very little arable land.
Under this desert was a vast and deep water sea fossils. I felt when I met an experimental area of crops, those waters in the future, would be more valuable than oil.
Religious faith, preached with the fervor that characterized the Muslim peoples, helped partly offset the strong tribal trend that still persists in the Arab country.
The Libyan revolutionary design and implement their own ideas about the legal and political institutions, that Cuba, as a rule, respected.
We abstained completely from issuing opinions on the concepts of the Libyan leadership.
We see clearly that the major concern of U.S. and NATO is not Libya, but the revolutionary wave that began in the Arab world who want to avoid at all costs.
It is an irrefutable fact that relations between the U.S. and its NATO allies with Libya in recent years were excellent, before the rise of the rebellion in Egypt and Tunisia.
In the high-level meetings between Libya and the NATO leaders had any of these problems with Gaddafi. The country was a reliable source of supply of high quality oil, gas and even potassium. Problems between them during the first decades had been overcome.
Opened to foreign investment in strategic sectors such as production and distribution of oil.
The privatization amounted to many public companies. The International Monetary Fund exercised its beatific role in the implementation of these operations.
Naturally, Aznar was full of praise for Gaddafi and Blair behind him, Berlusconi, Sarkozy, Zapatero, and even my friend the King of Spain, passed before the mocking gaze of the Libyan leader. They were happy.
Although it seems that it does not mock me, I just wonder now why they want to invade Libya and Gaddafi to bring the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
They accuse him for 24 hours a day to shoot unarmed citizens protesting. Why not explain to the world that the weapons and all the sophisticated equipment of repression that Libya has been provided by the United States, Britain and other illustrious hosts Gaddafi?
I object to cynicism and the lies that we wish to justify the invasion and occupation of Libya.
The last time I visited Gaddafi was in May 2001, 15 years after Reagan attacked fairly modest residence, where he took me to see what was left. Received a direct hit from aviation and was considerably destroyed, his little three year old daughter died in the attack, was killed by Ronald Reagan. There was no agreement of NATO, the Human Rights Council or the Security Council.
My previous visit had taken place in 1977, eight years after the start of the revolutionary process in Libya. I visited Tripoli participated in the Libyan People's Congress in Sebha, walked the first agricultural experiments waters extracted from the vast sea of fossil water, Benghazi met, I was subjected to a warm welcome. It was a legendary country which was the scene of historic battles in the last world war. Was not yet six million people, or knew its sheer volume of light oil and fossil water. And the former Portuguese colonies in Africa had been liberated.
Had fought in Angola for 15 years against the mercenary bands organized by the United States on tribal bases, the government of Mobutu, and the well-equipped and trained army racist apartheid. This, following U.S. instructions, as now known, invaded Angola to prevent independence in 1975, arriving with motorized forces to the outskirts of Luanda. Several Cuban construction workers died in the brutal invasion. Sent urgently resources. Expelled from that country by the Angolan and Cuban internationalist troops to the border with South Africa occupied Namibia for 13 years, received racist mission of liquidating the revolutionary process in Angola.
With the support of the United States and Israel developed nuclear weapons. Already possessed such weapons when the Cuban and Angolan troops defeated at Cuito ground and air forces, and challenging risk, using conventional tactics and media, advanced towards the Namibian border, where troops tried to resist apartheid. Twice in its history our forces have been at risk of being attacked by such weapons, in October 1962 and in southern Angola, but in that second time, even using that South Africa had failed to prevent the loss would marking the end of the odious system. The incident occurred under the administration of Ronald Reagan in the U.S. and Pieter Botha in South Africa.
That, and the hundreds of thousands of lives claimed the imperial adventure, not spoken.
I regret having to remember these facts when other major risk looming over the Arab peoples, because they are resigned to remain victims of looting and oppression.
The revolution in the Arab world, they fear the United States and NATO, of those who lack all rights against those who hold all the privileges, called, therefore, be more profound than that in 1789 broke out in Europe with the storming of the Bastille.
Not even Louis XIV, when he proclaimed that the State was he possessed the privileges of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, much less the immense wealth that lies beneath the surface of this almost desert country, where the Yankees determine transnational abduction, and Therefore, the price of oil in the world.
Since the crisis in Libya, Saudi Arabia extraction rose by one million barrels a day, at minimal cost and, consequently, that only the income concept in this country and those who control it amounted to one billion per day.
No one imagine, however, that the Saudi people no money. These are poignant stories of the lives of many construction workers and other sectors, they are forced to work 13 to 14 hours with low wages.
Frightened by the revolutionary wave that shook the prevailing system of plunder, after what happened with the workers of Egypt and Tunisia, but also for the young unemployed in Jordan, the occupied Palestinian territories, Yemen, and even Bahrain and the UAE with higher incomes, the senior Saudi is under the impact of events.
Unlike other times, today the Arab peoples are almost instantaneous information of events, but extremely manipulated.
The worst thing for the status quo of the privileged is that facts are stubborn coinciding with a considerable increase in food prices and the devastating impact of climate change, while the United States, the largest producer of corn in the world, spends 40 percent of the subsidized product and an important part in producing soy biodiesel to fuel cars. Sure Lester Brown, the American ecologist better informed the world on agricultural products, we can give an idea of the current food situation.
The Bolivarian President Hugo Chavez made a valiant effort to find a solution without the intervention of NATO in Libya. Your chances of achieving the target would increase if managed the feat of creating a broad movement of opinion before and not after the intervention takes place, and peoples are not repeated in other countries see the dreadful experience of Iraq.
Final Reflection.
March 3, 2011
10 and 32 p.m.

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